Data Analysis

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  •  🔓 Freemium Tool
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  •    📚 Free Resource
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CSViewer is a lightweight viewing/analysis tool for CSV files and other delimited types of files – PSV, TSV, etc.- allowing you to query data, explore relationships in data, and spot oddities by using filtering.
🎁 Free Tool


ParaView is an open-source multiple-platform data analysis application for interactive scientific visualization. It is an application built on top of the Visualization Toolkit (VTK) libraries.
📖 Open Source 🎁 Free Tool


Cluvio is a cloud analytics platform for startups and data-driven teams that helps run queries, filter results, and display data via graphs and charts.
 🔓 Freemium Tool


WebDataRocks is an open-source web reporting tool for data analysis and visualization. It is written in JavaScript and is not constrained by any external framework.
🎁 Free Tool 📖 Open Source


ATLAS. It is a qualitative research tool powered by AI that allows anyone to analyze data and automatically extract meaning from text, image, audio, video, geo, or survey data.
  🕓 Free to Try
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📖 Open Source: free and open-source software (FOSS), the ultimate free solution, is often completely free, but some exceptions are offered as a freemium.

🎁 Free Tool: FOSS or Freeware software, including Proprietary solutions, offered for free in its full version with all features and no limitations. Naturally, many tools in this category are also open-sourced.

🔓 Freemium Tool: a free version of paid software or app, offered with some limitations (limited features, limited support, limited usage, etc.). In many cases, the free plan can be enough for you.

🕓 Free to Try: a free trial lets you experience the product briefly before buying. Since it’s not a classic free solution, you won’t find many such items in the directory. The ones we did add are highly recommended.

🎯 Free Micro Tool: a free simple tool that performs a basic and specific task. Those tools come to solve a particular problem and don’t include too many options and features.

📚 Free Resource: a variety of helpful free stuff we find online, such as free courses, all kinds of templates, graphic assets, video and audio assets, eBooks, audiobooks, themes, or anything else free and useful.

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Mr. Free Tools is a free & open project developed to help people reach their full potential and create more equal opportunities by highlighting free solutions. Support the cause and share an amazing resource with your followers!

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