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Troddit is an open-source alternative front-end web client for Reddit. Follow subreddits and users locally, or log in with your Reddit account to vote, comment, and manage your existing subscriptions.

More Details

Features include:

  • ‘Offline mode’ to follow subreddits and manage multis locally without login.
  • Search Reddit for posts or subreddits quickly with auto-complete.
  • Filter posts by type (Images, Video/GIFs, Links, Self)
  • View posts in single-column, custom multi-column with a grid-masonry layout, or a simple row mode. All with infinite-scrolling.
  • Choose your card style: Original for full post text in card, Compact to exclude post text, or Media to hide all text and card padding.
  • Gallery view: Click on a post and navigate through the feed with on screen buttons or your arrow keys.
  • Hover mouse over Reddit videos to play.
  • Responsive desktop and mobile layouts.
  • PWA to download to your computer or phone.
  • Docker support

Related Tools

Top Post Analysis

Use this tool to examine popular post trends for a given subreddit. It'll examine the top 1000 posts in that subreddit in the past month/year, and tell you when they were posted. You can also learn which words and phrases are most popular as post titles.

Social Rise

Social Rise is a Reddit post-scheduling tool enabling users to make quick posts, check analytics, manage content, and automate promotion.

Delay for Reddit

Delay for Reddit is a scheduling tool that allows users to take advantage of the best time of day to post for each particular subreddit, ensuring that your posts go live even when you’re not at your computer.

Subreddit Traffic Analysis

The analysis tool looks deep into a Subreddit's history to identify the best time of the week to submit. It's tuned to give your posts the best opportunity to get upvotes and become top posts.

Subreddit Target Discovery

The discover tool helps identify subreddits that have an interest in your keywords. A higher score means that a subreddit is more aligned with your topic.

When to Post on Reddit

This tool gives a detailed analysis of the best time to post on Reddit. It is based on analyzing 500 posts with over 5 upvotes from any given subreddit.

Reddit Bests

Reddit Bests is a product insights platform aggregating all the best reviews and analyzing top products in Reddit comments.

Readr for Reddit

Readr for Reddit is a chrome extension that adds a clutter-free reading mode for Reddit. It helps read long Reddit comments and is optimized for readability by viewing individual comments in a clean design.


RedditSaved is an organization tool for Reddit that can save time for people who save a lot of links or discussions and want to come back to them later by grouping the items, assigning tags, and running a search.

Subreddit Stats

Subreddit Stats is an online analytics tool for Reddit. You can click a subreddit name to see stats (rank, posts per day, graphs, etc.).

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